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Category Archive for 'General'

Rehearsal Schematic

Here is this week’s schematic!

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Hey all! As we wind down from our mini-break, it’s time to start thinking tournament and Winter Break mode. Tournament This week Rehearsals As the coaches are very busy preparing for around 30 schools to descend upon us on Saturday, we will only be having double rehearsals with a few members. I’m trying to keep […]

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And We Have a New Header

Look up.

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Weekend Wildchat

Here is the Wildchat from last weekend! Read it and love it. Have a good break 🙂

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Parent E-Mail Addresses

Good morning, Speech Team! With our tournament coming up quickly, we are in need of donations from your families – food (candy, chips, cream cheese), drinks (water, pop), and time (to sell concessions). If your parents were unable to attend Open House on Monday but are still interested in helping out with our December 5th […]

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Hey all! I just have to say, I am so incredibly proud and thankful of you all. What a fantastic way to head into the short holiday break and show what our full team is capable of! We had multiple babies break into novice finals, and several varsity members showing in finals as well. In fact, […]

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Flyer for Open House

Here is the main information for Monday night’s Open House! Make sure you look at what refreshments we are asking you to bring!

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Remember for this Weekend

Hey All! Just some things to remember for this weekend! Bring a copy of your script just in case Bring a writing utensil Bring water Sleep the night before Be on time for the bus For those JV going out to their first tournament of the season good luck! Don’t sweat the small stuff, and […]

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The roster for this weekend’s tournaments is here. Check to make sure you’re going where you should be going! Thornton people: Bus leaves at 5:30. Be there early. Plainfield people: Bus leaves at 7:00. Be there early. Also, here is the information you need to give your parents regarding Open House this Monday night!

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Weekend Wildchat #2

Hey guys, here’s the Wildchat for this weekend! Stay tuned for next weeks. Wheaton North

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