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Category Archive for 'General'

Mehta: Oct 20 – 24

I need to see the following people this week. Info and SOS, once we have something solid via email, we’ll schedule rehearsals. Devashri Nagarkar (ES – 2 slots in a row. BRING PREPARED SPEECH) Sarah Kingsbury (ES – 2 slots in a row. BRING PREPARED SPEECH) Rishi Pandey (ES – 1 slot) Jonathan Kim (ES […]

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La Scola: Week of Oct. 20-24

Hello All: Welcome to the 2014-15 speech season. This week, I will meet with full categories, so that I know what everyone is planning for the season. Prose is going to take the Monday time slot, so Philip and Shreya can duke it out for the times on Wednesday. Category Leaders: Please be sure that […]

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Next Meeting

Just a reminder that our next meeting will be after school on Monday, Oct. 20. Once again, everyone on the team should attend! See you then 🙂

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Important Things!

To everyone who missed today’s meeting, here’s the big information you need: 1) Congrats on making the team! We’re so excited! If you realize you can’t handle the commitment, please talk to a coach ASAP. 2) You should all have scripts (acting/reading) or speech topics/outlines (writing) by the end of this week. By the end […]

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The 2014-2015 NVHS Speech Team

The team has been posted here! Congratulations to everyone who made it and many thanks to the more-than-120-ish of you who tried out. It’s never easy choosing from so many of you, and if you didn’t make it, we hope you will consider trying out again next year. To those who made it, four things: […]

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Information About Speech Auditions

For anyone interested in learning more about Speech Team and auditioning for it, here are the dates you need to know! If you’re new to the team, you should come to ONE of the following informational meetings! 2:45p, Monday, September 22, in the Main Campus LMC 2:45p, Tuesday, September 23, in the Gold Campus Forum […]

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Information About 2014 Summer Camp

For anyone interested in attending the Neuqua Valley Speech Team Summer Camp, you can download the application here! The camp is for current team members, incoming freshmen, and anyone else interested in learning more about public speaking. A few things to note: The camp will take place August 4th-8th from 8:00-11:00a The activities at camp […]

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Scheidecker Memorial Scholarship

For all seniors who have been on the team for at least three years, you can download the application for the David Scheidecker Memorial Scholarship here! It will be due Wed, April 23rd. Please turn it in to Mr. Mehta in D200 by the end of the day.

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End of the Season Video

Thanks to Rebekah for putting this together and our friends at Wheaton Warrenville South for playing along! 🙂

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Reminder: Banquet Tonight!

The banquet is tonight, Thursday, March 20, at Tamarack Golf Club (just like last year)! It starts at 5:45p and should go until about 8:30p.

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