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Category Archive for 'General'

Thursday Meetings w/McQuaid

Poetry, Prose, and Oratory folks have first dibs, but I would be happy to see anyone that needs a set of eyes! I will be here after school on Thursday from 2:45-6:10 pm. Please sign up for a 20 min slot. I will try to be good about ending on time, which means you must […]

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Brewster: Nov 27- Dec 1

THERE WILL STILL BE A TEAM MEETING AFTER SCHOOL ON MONDAY. Please attend for fascination information and crucial tournament specifics. The Neuqua tournament is this coming Saturday. Please pay attention to what food you are required to bring!!! For once everyone else besides you will be baffled by the seemingly erratic numbering system. “The roaring […]

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1) We WILL have a team meeting Monday after school! … 2) Order your Speech Noodie here! (It is optional.) … 3) Everyone is competing on Saturday! The tentative roster can be found here. Please let me know if there are any problems! Be at Neuqua (main building) at 7:00a! Because we have to clean […]

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Mehta: Nov. 27 – Dec. 1

I need to see the following people! Max (2 slots in a row) Sarina (2 slots in a row) Apurva (1 slot) Megan W. (2 slots in a row) Neel (2 slots in a row) Ellen (2 slots in a row) Monday 2:45 – 3:15 [Team meeting] 3:15 – 3:45 Kylie/Kenzie 3:45 – 4:15 Diya […]

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Here is the information you need for Saturday’s tournaments at Thornton and Plainfield North! Keep reading for Open House information! Who’s going where? The tentative roster can be seen here. Please let me know if there are any problems! When will it end? Thornton: We should be home around 7:00p. Plainfield North: We should be […]

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Brewster Nov: 14-17

There is no school on Monday!!! The team meeting will be held after school on Tuesday. “No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings.” – William Blake At this point full memorization is expected and crucial. Bring a full, current, clean, hard copy of your script to the rehearsal. Also, any […]

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Mehta: Nov. 13 – 17

I need to see the following people for 30-minute slots. I’m trying to work my way through the team! 🙂 DI – Enya DI – Ellen DI – Hope HDA – Danny and Henry HDA – Julianne and Max HI – Julia HI – Max HI – Julianne HI – Ally Dec – Apurva Dec […]

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11/11 Tournament Info

Here is the information you need for Saturday’s tournaments at Wheaton North and Downers Grove South! Who’s going? The tentative roster can be found here. Please let me know if there are any problems! When will it end? Wheaton North: We should be home around 6:30p. DGS: We should be home around 3:30p. (There is […]

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Thursday 11/16 Meetings with McQuaid

2:45-3:10- Divya (Poe) 3:10-3:30 – Diti (PR) 3:30-3:50 – Diya (Poe) 3:50- 4:10 – Rathna (PR) 4:10-4:30 – Megan (OO) 4:30-4:50 – Griffin (PR) 4:50-5:10  – Eirene (PR) 5:10-5:30 – Renee Shiao (OO) 5:30-5:50-    

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Brewster: Nov 6-10

“If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.”          -William Blake At this point full memorization is expected and crucial. Bring a full, current, clean, hard copy of your script to the rehearsal. Also, any relevant critiques. This spectacular week I would like to see Danny Speckels and […]

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